Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Ghost Soldiers
"Getting shot should be an experience from which you can draw some small pride. I don't mean the macho stuff. All I mean is that you should be able to talk about it: the stiff thump of the bullet, like a fist, the way it knocks the air out of you and makes you cough, how the sound of the gunshot arrives about ten years later, and the dizzy feeling, the smell of yourself, the things you think about and say and so right afterward, the way your eyes focus on a tiny white peddle or a blade of grass and how you start thinking, Oh man, that's the last thing I'll ever see, that peddle, that blade of grass, which makes you want to cry.
Pride isn't the right word. I don't know the right word. All I know is, you shouldn't feel embarrassed. Humiliation shouldn't be a part of it."

I thought this was a powerful passage because what I believe he is trying to say is that people will have pride in you and that he should be feeling like them, but he isn't. He doesn't know how to describe how he is feeling but not like how he should be. He has feelings of embarrassment and humiliation, but he said in the book that, that should be apart of it.

How did bobby Jorgenson almost "kill" Tim O’Brien?

What do you see/do when you are afraid?

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