Tuesday, May 22, 2012


"A forceful and charismatic leader, Dr. King became at twenty-six a national spokesperson for the civil rights movement when in 1955 he led a successful boycott of the segregated bus system of Montgomery, Alabama. Dr. King became president of the Southern Christian Leadership conference and led the sit ins and demonstrations -- including the 1964 march on Washington, D.C., which climaxed with his famous "I Have a Dream" speech - that helped to ensure passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act of 1965."
^I think this is important because it repeats the widely known fact that MLK was a peaceful man, and with peace came change. I also like highlighting the fact that he was christian, because many people believe that Christians don't like change, that Christians want it to be like in the time of the bible when only educated men have rights and everyone else is just there to fill space, when as a Christian I can tell you it is quite the opposite.

"Peace can only last where human rights are respected, where the people are fed, and where individuals and nations are free."
^Simple and to the point I couldn't agree more. It is flat out saying the necessities for peace to happen. And the entire article is around the theology and hope of peace.

Inner peace is still something I am trying to figure out. I have many issues with relaxing and being anxious. And So I tend to be the complete opposite of peace, other than when I become a therapist for friends and family. so that they can rant and rave to me and not the person they are actually having issues with.


  1. Without peace human being will struggle more than anything else..

  2. Really, i like you picture it is fun picture.


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