Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Ghost Soldiers "It was borderline gangrene.I Spent a month flat on my stomach: I could;t sit I could,t sleep. I kept seeing Bobby Jorgenson,s Scared-white face. Those buggy eyes and the way his lips twitched and that silly excuse he had for a mustache. After the rot cleared up,once i could think straight,I devoted a lot of time to figuring ways to get back at him getting shot be an experience from which you can draw some small pride" He was on fight on borderline gangrene and he could walk and site, interpretive questions Why did Tim O'Brien wrote this book? who is Jorgenson scared ?


  1. O' Brien does a great job describing his characters both physical appearances as well as the characters personalities. I couldn't even imagine having to sleep on my stomach every single night! That would be rough.

    Harmony :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tim O'Brien was well strong guy to spent a month flat stomach, if i was him i wouldn't spent that much. Matter fact, first day I'll be gone!

  4. good pick up line from the book ,how he describe him was very clear !

  5. Tim O'Brien is good at characterization and description throughout the book. It makes you understand the character and the tone of the novel.


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